Obtain a licence for small scale gambling, machines, bingo, and lottery syndicates
Obtain a licence for small scale gambling, machines, bingo, and lottery syndicates
Information and advice about bonfires in gardens, and complaining about nuisance which may be caused
Information and advice about bonfires in gardens, and complaining about nuisance which may be caused
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is the new legal framework in the EU which will cone into force on 25 May 2018.
Get in touch with our Benefits section if you have an enquiry
Foodbanks and local providers giving emergency food and support to people in crisis.
How to get involved with Council meetings and decision-making
Information about energy supplier support and government support opportunities to help with energy costs.
What you must provide and do to prepare for a marriage or civil partnership
Tee it up at one of the courses in °¬˛ćAƬ
Grants available to Organisations
Information on free green waste collections / Request additional or replacement green waste sacks / Check Collection Day
A stunning monument commissioned to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1960 mining disaster in Six Bells
The magnificent new facilities provide an ideal environment for you to use the unique collection of documents.
The citizen’s panel is made up of people who live and work across Gwent and formed to help give people a chance to have their say about life in Gwent and about local public services.
The Citizens’ Panel is a group of people who live in Gwent who are regularly asked to provide their views and are consulted on services across health and social care.
The Citizens’ Panel is a group of people who live in Gwent who are regularly asked to provide their views and are consulted on services across health and social care.
The regional board and plan for supporting people across Gwent